Pet Professional Coaching
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After 20 years as a PetSitter, Teri Ann has decided to offer her experience and expertise as an Equine & Pet Nanny to new and established Pet Professionals. As a new petsitter, boarding/daycare, trainer, groomer or someone that just needs a boost to get their business back-on-track, let Teri Ann help guide you in making your business a success.
- 20-Minute Complimentary Consultant
- 45-Minute Private Coaching Session (Phone/Google Duo; Zoom Video) $75.00
- 1-Hour In-Person Coaching (Maricopa Country, AZ only) $100.00
Teri Ann also teaches a PetSitter BootCamp training class. Please click on the picture below to go the webpage for more details.
Series of Coaching Sessions:
- Series of 3 Private 45-Minute Coaching Sessions $195.00 (nomrally $225)
- Series of 6 Private 45-Minute Coaching Sessions: $360.00 (normally $450)