9 Hours - $209.00
Materials Included in Tuition:
Laser Certificate of Training; 3" Student Binder; Thumbdrive with all Legal Forms catered to your business; Equine Booklet (if applicable)
PetSitter BootCamp:
- Running your PetCare Business
- Mock Pet Sitting Visits & Meet & Greets
- Marketing your Business, including Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Creating ads to bring in new business; how to create marketing materials
- FREE Petsitter coaching for 3 months
Add on a Training Clinic:
- Canine Health & First Aid $308 (nomrally $358)
- Fundamentals of Equine First Aid $268.00 (normally $298)
- Canine Health & First Aid + Fundamentals of Equine First Aid $367 (normally $447)
- Dog Behavior $288.00 (normally $318)
- Canine Health + Dog Behavior $387.00 (normally $467)
- Canine Health + Dog Behavior + Fundamentals of Equine First Aid $461.00 (normally $556)
PetSitter BootCamp
PetSitter BootCamp
Comfy Pets of AZ * Laveen * AZ 85339
Limit of Students: 5
Adding a training clinic:
Please see each individual webpage for information and training dates by clicking on the appropriate picture below